We spent a fascinating morning in the Rare Book Room at Linda Hall Library. Dr. Ben Gross (Ph.D. History of Science, Princeton) put together a cool set of old books for us.
London (Hooke's
Micrographia (1665), Willughby and Ray's
De Historia Piscium (1686) and Sir Isaac Newton's
Principia Mathematica (in English, 1729)):
Hooke's microscope |
Willughby & Ray |
Newton's first law |
Then on to Paris (Émilie du Châtelet's
Principes mathématiques de la philosophie naturelle (1759), Diderot and d'Alembert's
Encyclopédie (1751), Lavoisier's
Traité élémentaire de chimie (1789)).
Lavoisier |
To Germany (Haeckel's
Kunstformen der Nature (1904), Rontgen's
Ueber eine neue Art van Strahlen (1895), and.... Einstein's
Zur Electrodynamik bewegter Körper (1905):
Haeckel's art in nature book |
Rontgen's famous hand X-ray
And then a real treat for us: three wonderful MIT books: Edgerton's
Flash! (1939), Wiener's
Cybernetics (1948) and Vannevar Bush'
Science: The Endless Frontier (1945)
Here's a photo of some of our alumni that morning:
Steve, Deb, Eric and Eric's wife |